Extended Portfolio
Scroll to view a handful of my favorite photographs, stories, press releases, and mass communication I’ve developed.

Press & Storytelling
Celebrating Student Achievement
Telling stories like these emphasize the district’s commitment to supporting every student to achieve.
Click below to read my story regarding Manteca Unified’s inaugural Reclassification Ceremonies - which printed in the local newspaper, The Manteca Bulletin.
Staff Spotlight
Emphasizing the positive impact that both classified and certificated staff make on students leads to happier staff, and happier students.
Read more about the difference that a nutrition services warehouseman makes on students every day.
The Power of CTE Programs
Highlighting Manteca Unified’s Career Technical Education pathways, giving the community a deeper look into the tools and experiences being offered to students to equip them for success in their life beyond high school.
Capitol to Classroom
Spotlighting a special visit from legislative staff to MUSD, which gave key education policy advisors the chance to learn directly from the education experts and experience the impactful programs offered within the district.
The visit positioned staffers to champion programs and advocate for students when critical policy decisions are made.
Graphics & Family Letters
Crafted MUSD’s 2025 LCAP Mid-Year Report for the Board of Education.
In our parent survey post trimester 1 report card release (2024-25), this flyer was reported as the most helpful resource in aiding understanding of the new standards-based report card.
Assisted the MUSD Superintendent in crafting the 2024 holiday message to staff and community (featured in the December 2024 district-wide newsletter)
Web Development
District-Wide Newsletter
Paid Ads
Social Media
*All social media platforms are representing Manteca Unified School District